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2020-08-01 18:19  

李宇鹏(1977.05-),女,无党派人士,工学博士,mg4355电子线路副校长、二级教授,机电一体化教授研究员级高级工程师。于2005年毕业于美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Engineering and Applied Science学院,获结构工程博士学位和应用力学硕士学位。国家技术发明奖和科学技术进步奖评审专家,国家留学基金委评审专家,国家人才计划(青年千人)评审专家;辽宁省科技决策咨询专家,辽宁省科技奖评审专家。2013年入选国家第九批“千人计划”(创新长期项目),2016年受聘国家级特聘专家,2018年入选国务院特殊津贴,2019年入选沈阳市高层次人才杰出人才。2003年获美国Chi Epsilon优秀学者荣誉奖(全美评选)。国家特种计算机工程技术研究中心沈阳分中心副主任。辽宁省第十二届政协委员,辽宁省委、省政府第六届决策咨询委员会委员,欧美同学会常务理事,辽宁省教育国际交流协会副会长。作为项目负责人先后承担多项国家级和省部级科技计划项目,如工信部-2019年制造业高质量发展专项产业链协同创新类项目“基于CPS的安全可控研祥云故障预测与健康服务系统”之联合申报子项目、科技部-国家重点研发计划科技冬奥重点专项“国家速滑馆智慧场馆建设和应用关键技术研究与示范应用”项目之子课题、辽宁省重点研发计划“微型智能水下检测机器人关键技术研究”等,并先后主持过10多个Intel公司大型项目,多次为美国Intel公司提出创新型解决方案为企业带来巨额利润。以科研成果为基础,在Applied Sciences,AIAA Journal,International Journal of Fracture,Composite Structure,IEEE等国际知名刊物出版社发表专著论文20篇。授权/申请专利发明9项。

办公电话:02424693799 所在专业:计算机系统结构, 结构工程 Email: 个人主页:
*****研究方向*****主要从事混合集成电路可靠性、复合材料结构性能分析、工业智能等领域研究。1,在集成电路相关领域(CPU stack / Motherboard to Heat Sink stack):从事产品开发、可靠性共性技术研究、超前研发等。先后主持过10多个Intel公司大型项目,多次为美国Intel公司提出创新型解决方案为企业带来巨额利润,如提出创新接口设计方案带来26亿美元/年成本节约,获Intel(全球)TMG杰出贡献奖;提出基于EOL设计理念带来5000万美元经济效益;提出LGA1155/56 socket stack方案带来2600万美元经济效益等。目前致力于推进国家特种计算机工程技术研究中心沈阳分中心建设,拟建立特种计算机热设计、电磁性能、机械和气候应力等试验能力、建立失效分析与模拟设计优化能力等共性技术能力,服务相关领域科研、教学和成果转化。2,在结构领域:从事复合材料结构件力学性能研究。提出三维粘结层模型和微观力学模型,研究碳钎维复合材料飞机结构件在给定条件下力学可靠性和层内及层离破坏机制,模型为美国波音公司采纳,并获美国波音公司奖金。目前致力于水下混凝土结构缺陷识别、结构可靠性评估、大样本数据库建设、模拟维护及预测等关键技术研究。3,在工业智能领域:提出I5工业智能加工中心理念,并推进I5机床和I5OS数控系统系列产品研发和产业化。2018年I5OS数控系统在第十六届中国自动化及智能化年度评选上获智能软件奖。目前致力于面向水下混凝土结构缺陷检测微型智能机器人关键技术研究。
1. Yupeng Li, Weiying Meng,, “A Cost-effective Solution to Improving the Electrical Performance of Metal Contacting Interfaces in IC System under Temperature-Humidity Environment”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 19, 2019, 3950.(SCI 收录:JCR1区,WOS:000496258100009)
2. Yupeng Li, Srinivasan Sridharan, “Investigation of Delamination Caused by Impact Using a Cohesive-Layer Model”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2005, pp. 2243-2251.(SCI 收录:JCR1区,WOS:000232328600021)
3. Yupeng Li, Srinivasan Sridharan, “Performance of Two Distinct Cohesive Layer Models for Tracking Composite Delamination”, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 136, 2005, pp. 99-131.(SCI 收录:JCR3区,WOS:000236703700004)
4. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “Static and Dynamic Delamination of Foam Core Sandwich members”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 12, 2006, pp. 2937-2948.(SCI 收录:JCR1区,WOS:000242987500014)
5. Weiying Meng, Yupeng Li, et al., “Analysis and prediction on total fatigue life problems of fiber reinforced metal laminates under two-stage loading”, Composite Structures, Vol. 237, 2020, 111960.(SCI 收录:JCR1区,TOP期刊,WOS:000512982200032)
6. Weiying Meng, Yupeng Li, et al., “The damage criterion affecting life prediction of Fiber Reinforced Al-Li alloy laminates under spectrum loading”. International Journal of Aeronautical&Space Sciences. 2020 , accepted.(SCI 收录:JCR4区, DOI:10.1007/s42405-020-00271-w)
7. Yupeng Li, Robert Atkinson, et al., “Numerical Prediction of Socket Solder Joint Reliability during Shock”, 54th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, October 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida.(EI收录)
8. Yupeng Li, “Delamination of Composites Structures under Lateral Impact and Inplane Compression”, Washington University, Ph.D. thesis, 2005. (EI收录)
9. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “Competing Cohesive Layer Models for Prediction of Delamination Growth”, in “Delamination Behavior of Composites” chapter 14, Woodhead Publishing in Materials, 2008, pp.387-428. (书籍章节,EI收录)
10. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “Delamination Failure under Compression of Composite Laminates and Sandwich Structures”, in “Delamination Behavior of Composites” chapter 21, Woodhead Publishing in Materials, 2008, pp.618-649(书籍章节,EI收录)
11. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “Two Distinct Cohesive Layer Models in Composite Delamination Investigation”, 48th AIAA/ASME /ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, April, 2007, Waikiki, Hawaii.(EI收录)
12. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “FRP Delamination under Lateral Impact and Inplane Compression”, 2006 SEM Annual Conference on FRP Composites for the Infrastructure, June 4-7, 2006, St. Louis, MO.(EI收录)
13. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “The Dual Role of Cohesive Layer Model in Delamination Investigation”, AIAA-2004-1594, 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamic & Materials Confer, April 19-22, 2004, Palm Springs, California.(EI收录)
14. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “A Study of Quasi-Static Delamination in Sandwich Structures”, SMCD2006 Structural Engineering Conference, May 14-17, 2006, Uwaterloo, Canada.(EI收录)
15. Yupeng Li, Srinivasan Sridharan, “Some Issues in Cohesive Layer Modeling of Composite Delamination”, Proceedings of McMat2005: 2005 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, June 1-3, 2005, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
16. Srinivasan Sridharan, Yupeng Li, “Buckling and Nonlinear Behavior of Sandwich Columns”, Proceedings of McMat2005: 2005 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, June 1-3, 2005, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
17. Ioan Sauciuc, Yupeng Li, et al., “Thermal, Socket and Package Integrity Challenges for Organic Lidless Packages Integrated with Land Grid Array Socket Technology”, Intel Assembly & Test Technology Journal, February, 2010.(Intel企业内部保密期刊,企业发明)
18. Zhi Li, B. Yuan, Yupeng Li, et al., “An Effective Fault Detection and Diagnosis Approach for Chiller System”, IFAC PapersOnline, 2019, accepted. (EI收录)
19. Huaitao Shi, Z. Liu, X. Bai, Yupeng Li, et al., “A theoretical model to predict the effect of cracks in the local spalling of full-ceramic rolling bearings”, Applied Science, Vol.19(09), 2019. (SCI收录:JCR2区,WOS/DOI:
20. Liangliang Sun, Yupeng Li, et al., “Research on Fault Detection Method for Air Handling Units System", IFAC PapersOnline, 2019, accepted. (EI收录)
1. 李宇鹏,Jie Li. 一种面阵列封装中央处理器接口弹簧片接触头的设计方法,2019年5月27日初审通过,专利号201910371782.2
2. Robert Martinson, Yupeng Li, Tieyu Zheng, Mandy G, Thomas Ruttan. Lateral Force countering load mechanism for LGA sockets, October 20, 2009, 美国,专利号:US7604486B2
3. Yupeng Li, Imaninejad Mehdi. A loading component to enable bare die semiconductor packages, March 31, 2008, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:61493
4. Yupeng Li, Shijiang He. A socket with four-segment layout to double the seating plane area, March 4, 2008, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:61219
5. Yupeng Li, Shijiang He. New paddle design to achieve desirable ball to pad offset. December 21, 2007, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:61078
6. Yupeng Li, Shijiang He. A surface mount socket assemble from housing strips and frame. December 20, 2007, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:54853
7. Yupeng Li, Load distribution method with peripheral IHS loading, August, 03,2007, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:57906
8. Yupeng Li, Lateral force countering load mechanism for LGA sockets, September 07,2006, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:53676
9. Yupeng Li, Low friction socket sidewalls to prevent package binding, September 07,2006, 美国Intel发明号/专利备案号:53677
(3)2008年Innovation in packaging杰出贡献奖、美国Intel公司、N/A
(4)2003年美国Chi Epsilon优秀学者荣誉奖(全美评审)、美国Civil Engineering Honor Society、N/A
(1)2019.07,中国,北京,PHM (Prognostics and Health Management Society)亚太国际学术论坛特邀报告,主办方:中国信息通信研究院。


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