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2023-03-25 13:26  

姓名:刘金国 职称:二级研究员







简介:刘金国,男,二级研究员、博士、博士生导师,中科院沈阳自动化所学位委员会委员,空间自动化研究室副主任、机器人学国家重点实验室主任助理。获卓越青年科学基金、国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、辽宁省百人、沈阳市领军人才,中科院优秀研究生导师奖、中科院朱李月华优秀教师奖,国家科技进步二等奖、辽宁省技术发明奖一等奖、辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖、国际会议最佳论文奖等奖励和荣誉20多项。2011年1月至今, 任中科院沈阳自动化所研究员。








2014/02~2015/1, 英国萨里大学萨里空间中心,访问学者


2011/01~至今, 中科院沈阳自动化所,研究员,硕导,博导



(1)Gao Q, Liu JG, Ju ZJ, et al. Dual-hand detection for human-robot interaction by a parallel network based on hand detection and body pose estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2019.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000480309400056)

(2)Gao Q, Liu JG, Ju ZJ. Robust real-time hand detection and localization for space human robot interaction based on deep learning. Neurocomputing.2019.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000531729000019)

(3)Sun Y, Liu JG, et al. Mechanisms involved in inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis induced by lunar dust simulant in rats. Environmental Toxicology.2019.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000455775800004)

(4)Liu JG,Zhang X,Zhang, Ketao,Dai JS,Li SJ,Sun, Qi.Configuration analysis of a reconfigurable Rubik's snake robot.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering.2019.(SCI检索:JCR3区,DOI10.1177/0954406218805112)

(5) Sun Y,Liu JG,Zhang, Xiaoping,Li, Xiongyao,Zhou, Baichu,Lv, Zengjing.Mechanisms involved in inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis induced by lunar dust simulant in rats.Environmental Toxicology.2019.(SCI检索:JCR2区,DOI10.1002/tox.22665)

(6)Liu JG,Zhang XB,Yu JH,Xu ZY.Performance Analysis for the Magnetically Coupled Resonant Wireless Energy Transmission System.COMPLEXITY.2019.(SCI检索:JCR2区,DOI10.1155/2019/6090427)

(7)Shen XH,Liu JG,Zhang PW,Ni ZY,Liu YW.Analysis of the dynamic mechanical property of multiple direction impact protection structure inspired by C60 molecule.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.2019.(SCI检索:JCR3区,DOI10.1177/0954406219862302)

(8)Ni ZY,Liu JG,Wu SN,Wu ZG.Time-varying state-space model identification of an on-orbit rigid-flexible coupling spacecraft using an improved predictor-based recursive subspace algorithm.Acta Astronautica.2019.(SCI检索:JCR1区,DOI10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.11.008)

(9)Wang MK,Liu JG,Feng JK.Dynamics Research and Parameter Optimization of Planetary Penetrators.IEEE ACCESS.2019.(SCI检索:JCR2区,DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2923725)

(10)Ni ZY,Liu JG,Wu ZG,Shen XH.Identification of the state-space model and payload mass parameter of a flexible space manipulator using a recursive subspace tracking method.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics.2019.(SCI检索:JCR1区,DOI10.1016/j.cja.2018.05.005)


(1)Uchenna O, Liu JG, Ju ZJ, et al. Physical Human-Robot Collaboration: Robotic Systems, Learning Methods.Collaborative Strategies, Sensors and Actuators. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.2020.(SCI检索:JCR1区,DOI10.1109/TCYB.2019.2947532)

(2)Zhang X, Liu JG, et al. Effective non-graspable object capturing for space robots based on geometric cage pairs.  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.2020(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000519587000010)

(3)Zhang X, Liu JG, et al. Adaptive robust decoupling control of multi-arm space robot using time-delay estimation technique. Nonlinear Dynamics.2020(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000530974400001)

(4)Tong YC, Liu JG, et al. Analytical inverse kinematic computation for a 7-dof redundant sliding manipulator. Mechanism and Machine Theory.2020(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000596774300008)

(5)Zhang PY,Liu JG, et al. Survey on research and development of on-orbit active debris removal methods. Science China Technological Sciences.2020(SCI检索:JCR2区,WOS:000573754000002)

(6)Dai LH,Liu JG,Gao Y.Iris center localization using energy map with image inpaint technology and post-processing correction.IEEE Access.2020.(SCI检索:JCR2区,WOS:000524753200039)

(7)Zhao PY,Liu JG,Wu CC,Li YM,Chen KL.Novel Surface Design of Deployable Reflector Antenna Based on Polar Scissor Structures.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition).2020.(SCI检索:JCR3区,WOS:000579802000001)

(8)Liu JG,Liu YW,Hao GB.Special Issue on Reconfigurable Robots.Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition).2020.(SCI检索:JCR3区,WOS:000591126800001)

(9)Liu JG,Tong YC,Liu YW.Novel Method of Obstacle Avoidance Planning for Redundant Sliding Manipulators.IEEE ACCESS.2020.(SCI检索:JCR2区,WOS:000531907000010)

(10) Liu JG,Tong YC,Liu YJ,Liu YW.Development of a novel end-effector for an on-orbit robotic refueling mission.IEEE Access.2020.(SCI检索:JCR2区,WOS:000524753200101)


(1)Zhang X,Liu JG,Tong YC,Liu YW.Attitude Decoupling Control of Semifloating Space Robots Using Time-Delay Estimation and Supertwisting Control.IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000725819700059)

(2)Dai LH,Liu JG,Gao Y.Attention Mechanism based Real Time Gaze Tracking in Natural Scenes with Residual Blocks.IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.2021.(SCI检索:JCR2区)

(3)Zhao PY,Liu JG,Li YM,Wu CC.A spring-damping contact force model considering normal friction for impact analysis.NONLINEAR DYNAMICS.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区.WOS:000670200100002)

(5)Gao Q,Liu JG.Hand gesture recognition using multimodal data fusion and multiscale parallel convolutional neural network for human-robot interaction.EXPERT SYSTEMS.2021.(SCI检索:JCR2区.WOS:000505898400001)

(6)Wu YM,Liu JG,Wang ZS.Distributed Resilient Tracking of Multiagent Systems Under Actuator and Sensor Faults.IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区.DOI10.1109/TCYB.2021.3132380)

(7)Feng JK,Liu JG.Configuration analysis of a chain-type reconfigurable modular robot inspired by normal alkane.Science China Technological Sciences.2021.(SCI检索:JCR2区.WOS:000649237100001)

(8)Liu L,Liu JG,Wu YM.Event-triggered coordinated control for multiple solar sail formation flying around planetary displaced orbits.Acta Astronautica.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000670758100023)

(9)Tong YC,Liu JG.Review of Research and Development of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs.IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000638401600001)

(10)Tong YC,Liu JG,Liu YW,Yuan Y.Analytical inverse kinematic computation for 7-DOF redundant sliding manipulators.Mechanism and Machine Theory.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000596774300008)

(11) Xue ZH,Liu JG,Wu CC,Tong YC.Review of in-space assembly technologies.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics.2021.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000694706100001)


(1) Tong YC,Liu JG.Novel power-exponent-type modified RNN for RMP scheme of redundant manipulators with noise and physical constraints.Neurocomputing.2022.(SCI检索:JCR1区,WOS:000709984900009)

(2)Liu JG,Zhao PY,Wu CC,Chen KL,Ren, Weijia,Sang, Xiaoru.SIASAIL-I solar sail: From system design to on-orbit demonstration mission.Acta Astronautica.2022.(SCI检索:JCR1区)

(3)Dai LH,Liu JG.Binocular Feature Fusion and Spatial Attention Mechanism Based Gaze Tracking.IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.2022.(SCI检索:JCR2区,WOS:000754276700001)

(4)Liu JG,Chen KL,Wu CC,Wu GL.An efficient approach of centroid alignment for spaceflight vehicles considering parameter uncertainties.Mechanism and Machine Theory.2022.(SCI检索:JCR1区)









(8)国自然海外及港澳合作基金: 空间站减振系统,中方负责人;





(1)刘金国等.一种流线型外壳包络的关节. 202023129480.1\CN 214352537 U,2021.10.08.

(2)刘金国等.一种空间站舱内可自由飞行的仿生机械手.. 202023121159.9\CN 214352432 A,2021.10.08.

(3)刘金国等.一种可伸缩的仿生外肢体机械臂. 202023121159.9\CN 214352432 U,2021.10.08.

(4)刘金国等.一种具有流线型外壳的可折叠伸缩外肢体机械臂. 202023121258.7\CN214187178 U,2021.09.14.

(5)刘金国等.空间站舱内载荷支撑框架在轨操作省力装置. 202022967997.1\CN 213862721 U,2021.08.03.

(6)刘金国等.用于SAR天线的可展开平面支撑定位装置. 202023019153.0\CN 213584147 U,2021.06.29.

(7)刘金国等.流线型外壳包络的关节.202011532774.0\CN 112659175 A,2021.04.16.

(8)刘金国等.可伸缩的仿生外肢体机械臂.202011536276.3\CN 112643651 A,2021.04.13.

(9)刘金国等.具有流线型外壳的可折叠伸缩外肢体机械臂.202011532777.4\CN 112589778 A,2021.04.02.

(10)刘金国等.一种用于航天员训练的科学实验柜地面翻转装置.202011443573.3\CN 112598948 A,2021.04.02.

(11)刘金国等.一种大型重载机械臂的投影运动学控制方法.202011457286.8\CN 112549008 A ,2021.12.14.

(12)刘金国等.一种空间站舱内载荷支撑框架在轨操作省力装置.202011458900.2\CN 112520069 A,2021.03.19.

(13)刘金国等.一种用于SAR天线的可展开平面支撑定位装置.202011470401.5\CN 112510342 A,2021.03.16.







(3)2020,Springer Nature,China New Development Awards

(4)2020,International Conference on Robotics and Rehabilitation Intelligence, Best Paper Award



(7)2019,International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems(ICIUS),Best Student Paper Award


(9)2018,International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems( ICEMS), Best Paper Award

(10)2017,International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications(ICIRA), Outstanding Paper Award




(1)《Journal of Field Robotics 》、《IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics》、《Mechanical Sciences》、《Science China Technological Sciences》、《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》、《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》、《机器人》等多个国内外顶级SCI/EI学术杂志编委/副主编;








2019,.08,中国,沈阳,The 12th international Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA 2019 Program Chair),担任程序主席


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